愛千子斧 (Echiko Ono)

Age: 29 Summers
Specialization: Full-Time Eastern Makeup Artist; Part-Time Venue Work



Echiko was born in Kugane to her ryōshin. The young girl spent her childhood in prestigious private academies. During Echiko’s elementary years, she attended an all girls school. It was uniformed, strict and taught Hingan girls etiquette they needed to honor their clan names. Echiko was constantly in trouble with her sensei, always coming to class wearing her uniform incorrectly. Examples being clipping her skirt too short and wearing the wrong stockings. Echiko was often a force to be reckoned with, finding it comical to be scolded by her instructors.Her behavior eventually caught up to her and she was penalized. She would have to stay after school and practice her calligraphy and walking. The young raen hated it! After losing so much free time, she eventually matured, conceding with the rules miserably. Outside of school she wished to practice other forms of self expression, just to get a little freedom from “order” expected from Hingan youth. Echiko practiced cosmetics using makeup from her okāsan. Eventually, she picked up alchemy and started creating her own makeup from scratch, and applying it. Overtime she studied some dermatology to learn what ingredients are better for the skin and scales!In her teens, Echiko began to sell her makeup as a vendor in the large Hingan city! Her makeup was all inclusive, for young and old. She managed to create age defying sets with cucumber extract for older overseers of Kogane Dori! This persuasion method kept broad engagement, and allowed her to continue using a stall! Echiko was recognized by her fellow classmates and even sold them sets as well! The raen received many compliments and before long, most females her year in the academy, were wearing her product!By the time Echiko graduated, she was beginning to be recognized by larger names in Kugane. Her okāsan’s kantoku at the Ochaya, hired her for the geisha and kabuki! Echiko was thrilled!! It was her big break, she dedicated her early adulthood to this job and thanked the Kami everyday! Echiko worked for the tea house for about five summers! One night what Echiko thought were normal Western tourist who came to see a production, approached her. They were actually recruiters searching for exotic cosmetic talent! Their eyes were sharply set on the small raen.She was offered gil for land in Eorzea to open up her shop (in any of the three main city states). Echiko chose the Mist as it is the closest to the ferry, travel would be easy if she ever missed Hingashi, which is more often than than one would expect. However Echiko has gained quite a love for the modern side of the West! Attending night clubs and even working it part time! Of course venturing out is a useful way for her to get more clientele! Echiko has been dependable for many Western eternal bonds, theater productions and more! She is a recognizable face for eastern and western individuals alike!

About Echiko...

Description: Echiko is rather tall in stature for an Au Ra and even a Miqo'te female. She stands about 5 fulms and 11 ilms, getting her height from her father; a towering sunseeker with long hair. Echiko has spent almost two summers in Etheirys; away from her native land of Hingashi. Her Eorzean tongue is not perfect, but progressing gradually. If met with someone multilingual, she will immediately change to her first tongue!Echiko is approachable most of the time, if not occuppied by work. She can be seen sporting slightly suggestive, yet modest enough outfits in most shades. Echiko is easily spotted in any large city due to her unique appearance. Having the physical features of a miqo'te overall with luminous raen scales like her okaasan.Race: Hingan Au Ra Raen & Seeker of the Sun.Likes: Fashion, Attention, Fun Hairstyles, Partying, Onsen, Beachtime, Sushi, Tea.Dislikes: Dishonesty, Heavy Meats, Pessimists, Libraries, Strict Hingashi Customs.NSFW Interests: Echiko's F-List

★★★★☆ - Honesty
★★★★☆ - Emotionality
★★★☆☆ - Extroversion
★★☆☆☆ - Agreeableness
★★★☆☆ - Consciousness
★★★★☆ - Openness
Personality: Echiko falls between Chaotic Good, and Neutral. She generally hates playing by the rules, after having to follow so many for most of her life. Occasionally Echiko is morally questionable, though most of the time she tries to do good by others whom she values! Still holding Hingan morales and values, Echiko will respect those she works under, however when it comes to her OWN work, she will not be swayed in her decision-making!


PLEASE NOTE: Some images are slightly NSFW. Proceed at your own discretion.

New Photos to Come!
